Affiliated to Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University, Sikar
7357221333, 7357219333
Fee Details


  • Examination & Registration Fee will be Charged as per University Rules.
  • Every student seeking admission in the college shall have to deposit her fee by the last date. In case, the fee is not deposited by the due date, admission will be considered null and void.
  • Information about University Examination fee will be put on the college notice board at an appropriate time. Students will have to deposit the form and fee before the last date. The college will not be responsible for any fault on their part.
  • Caution money will be returned within the year of passing the last examination. Application for its refund are invited after the deceleration of final year result and caution money is returned up to December. After December the caution money will not be refunded and it will be transferred to college students' fund.
  • Please inform the college office if you leave the college in mid session.
  • Fee is non refundable except the caution money.